
Former Top Manager of IT Enterprise Is a New CTO of Program-Ace

Ilya Gandzeychuk, a former General Manager at Kvazar-Micro and a well-known IT enterprise, became a CTO of Program-Ace
Nov 3, 2017
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As with any other successful business structure, Program-Ace is constantly replenished with fresh faces. Today, we are happy to announce that Ilya Gandzeychuk, a former General Manager at Kvazar-Micro, a company that is focused on the construction of IT infrastructure, management, technology consulting, enterprise solutions, and software development, joined our team in Kharkiv and occupied the position of CTO. Featuring his many years of experience in an enterprise product segment across multiple industries, Ilya's main focus will be in transforming and improving the company's services towards modern, profitable solutions. Ilya Gandzeychuk Understanding that Program-Ace is a recognized outsourcing provider, he is planning to use the competence and vast experience of the team in developing solutions for the entertainment industry to extend company's influence and leadership in target industries and technological areas. This strategy also implies a transformation of Program-Ace from an outsourcing company into a solution provider, solving the following tasks:
  • Expansion of the company's competence in custom enterprise solutions using current capacities and achievements of the team;
  • Strengthening of Program-Ace's positions on the market of virtual solutions and gaining more knowledge about prominent technologies (with a special focus on VR, AR, mixed reality, and HoloLens);
  • Development of a partner network and usage of third-party frameworks to increase solution quality and customer satisfaction.
"We believe Ilya's experience, professionalism, and entrepreneurial mindset will help Program-Ace to strengthen our position in the market and expose our influence to a greater number of industries," states Oleg Fonarov, CEO and founder of Program-Ace about the news. "Also, as the company will soon enough experience the transformation from outsourcer into solution provider, (regarding) the process we have already successfully initiated, I am sure that an expert like Ilya will make a valuable contribution to the company's growth and prosperity." Mr. Gandzeychuk himself is delighted and thrilled to join one of most professional teams in Eastern Europe.
"I am very grateful to the management of Program-Ace for the trust they have placed in me. It is an honor be a part of such an award-winning team and to apply my skills as a CTO. On the one hand, this is a new challenge for me — to bring this business to universal success," - shares Ilya. -"On another hand," - he continues, - "it is an interesting task of applying existing technologies and a broad experience in the gaming industry to create solutions for the corporate sector. I think that my experience in the market of business applications and Program-Ace's technological proficiency will give an obvious synergetic effect and allow for providing unique and highly efficient solutions to potential customers worldwide."
On behalf of the entire team, we welcome Ilya and wish him professional and career growth and affluence in his new job.

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