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Porch Configurator

We developed an interactive product configurator for Screen Tight - the well-known US manufacturer of porch screening systems and screen doors

Background Info

The porch screening configurator, which we created for Screen Tight in collaboration with Atlatl Software, is an effective and helpful tool designed to provide an interactive demonstration of various types of screening systems. It gives step-by-step guidance through the project, from choosing a porch style and a door, and to the final step where the user is choosing one of three Screen Tight screening systems.

Program-Ace team had a goal to create a cross-platform solution available on both, mobile and desktop platforms, which would enable homeowners and home professionals to get the complete experience of Screen Tight’s products before buying.

Custom Product Configurator Development

Business Challenges

Added Value
Our client needed to create an additional value that would allow for a better customer experience when buying ScreenTight’s products, where they can have a look at and almost experience the screening systems.
Effective Presentation
One of the major goals of this project was providing ScreenTight’s marketing team with an effective tool that would increase customer engagement and loyalty.
Buying Stimulation
This application was also oriented at making an impact on the customer decision-making process. Making a decision about buying the product is one of the major steps in the sales pipeline, and our client needed a tool that helps stimulate sales.

Approach and Solution

ScreenTight Porch Screening Configurator is a full-featured application that allows one to:

  • choose porch style, including color, type and number of walls, etc.;
  • set up porch dimensions and change its size;
  • add structural elements of a porch;
  • select the location of a door and its size, choose preferred door material (vinyl, woo, etc.) and other door style options;
  • choose among ScreenTight’s three screening systems;
  • try out an expert mode for additional customization options, which allows for moving items, changing the scenery, and making other adjustments to the application;
  • save screening projects;
  • explore and buy the needed building materials due to online store integration.
Porch Configurator solution

Technology Stack

Program-Ace used Unity 3D engine and other development tools to create this helpful configuration system for home and business.
Unity logo case
Product configurator for iOS
Maya Product configurator


The app users are engineers and homeowners working on home construction or renovation projects. This kind of application can be used in many business verticals including, but not limited to:
Product configurator for construction
Product configurator for furniture
Home & Furniture
Product configurator for landscape
Landscape Design
Product configurator for marketing
Product configurator value devlivered

Value Delivered

The Program-Ace team developed a solution that became a valuable asset of the client’s business.
  1. This application helped to increase the success rate of the sales managers’ work by 20-30%
  2. After the solution was implemented, the client experienced quite a big increase in online sales
  3. The configurator helped to increase the loyalty of the existing customers and attract new ones
  4. The app helped to reduce the expenses related to client consultation and preparatory procedures such as taking porch measurements
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Program-Ace Europe Limited
 Archiepiskopou Makariou III,
 1, Mitsis Building No. 3, Office 310, 
1065, Nicosia, Cyprus

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