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All-in-One Telemedicine / Healthcare Mobile App

Track your health, chat with your doctor, schedule appointments and don't forget to take your pills! Program-Ace developed all-in-one solution for people who want to live healthy and active life.

Background Info

Our company was chosen by a US-based digital healthtech startup for the development of a mobile app made for patients who need to be in contact with a doctor or self-monitor their health. This included building two versions (for Android and iOS), as well as integrating it with an existing web application. The existing web version already performed several healthcare functions, while the mobile app expanded upon them and made the overall experience portable.

Our additional objectives included creating and implementing a reward system, gamification elements, quest mechanics, chat with an assigned doctor, booking appointments, check-ups and more.

As a result we created an app that was a comprehensive virtual assistant that handles many of the key tasks associated with clinical care, saving costs and providing convenience to patients.

User picture
Founder, HealthCare Startup
Program-Ace consistently completes polished deliverables within established deadlines. Their team of designers and developers work hard to produce creative solutions. They’ll iterate through multiple builds in an effort to deliver the best platform possible. They’re valuable assets to any project.

Business Challenges

Create 2 native
mobile apps
Our developers needed to make the application accessible on Android and iOS devices, maintaining the same design and set of features across the 2 platforms. It was important to make it easy to use for people of all ages, including elderly patients.
Make a simple but functional interface
Since the application relies on daily user participation, the user interface had to be intuitive and streamlined. This way, it takes users just a few minutes to add their daily updates and move on to other tasks, and they have no difficulty doing it.
Integrate social and gaming elements
We wanted users to associate our app with positive things and to look forward to opening it every day, so we added elements of games and social interaction to things that are normally strictly procedural and boring.

Approach and Solution

Our development team built two individual mobile applications for iOS and Android, which core functional is a chat bot. Along with that, we created an interface that would be understandable even to those who do not regularly use mobile apps, along with integrating gamification and a unique reward system.

We also integrated a quest system which provides unique daily/weekly/monthly challenges to users based on their disease or condition. The basic quest available to everyone involves taking care of an animated pet, while more specific medical challenges involve taking measurements of weight, temperature, pulse, taking medication, and communicating with a doctor, etc. Completing these regular quests grants various rewards, including upgrades for the virtual pet.

The animated pet in the app was developed to keep patients coming back to it daily and fulfilling other medical requirements in the program. The virtual assistant can be interacted with, and helps users keep track of their health in a fun and effective way.

In addition to the aforementioned features, we integrated an educational mechanic that uses quizzes to teach patients more about their health and body. To further help them keep track of health, we added several simple yet functional measurement screens such as weight, glucose, blood or pressure measurement screens.

Healthcare app key features

Technology Stack

This healthcare applications were developed using native technologies for both Android (Java) and iOS (Swift) platforms. We designed interfaces and developed the application fully in-house, utilising the experience of 1 project manager, 1 UI/UX designer, 1 game designer, 2 2D artists, 4 developers, and 2 quality assurance managers. The full list of technologies includes:


The application was developed taking into account the needs of patients and doctors. We developed an easy-to-use mobile application for patients and successfully linked it with the program being used by doctors to connect them and give an ability to create closer communications. Here are just a few use-cases that our healthcare app can be used for:
Chronic illness
Medical providers
Medical providers
Telemedicine mobile application

Value Delivered

The project was an unmistakable success, with several notable achievements:
  1. The solution reduced the risk of emergency care being necessary for patients through controlling key health indicators and identifying diseases and complications before they occur.
  2. Thanks to the mobile app, patients started responding much quicker to messages from their doctor.
  3. The pressure on hospital staff was reduced, given that part of the documentation and patient control activities were transitioned online.
  4. Gamification elements were implemented successfully, which increased the frequency with which users opened the app.
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Cyprus:   +357 22 056047
USA:   +1 888 7016201

Nicosia, Cyprus
Program-Ace Europe Limited
 Archiepiskopou Makariou III,
 1, Mitsis Building No. 3, Office 310, 
1065, Nicosia, Cyprus

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