
Program-Ace Explains AR/VR/MR Projects at Lviv IT Tour: Kharkiv

Our Lead Project Manager spoke at an informal, cozy talk alongside Lviv IT Cluster's professionals
May 30, 2017
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On May 27, 2017, representatives from Lviv IT Cluster visited Kharkiv within the "Lviv IT Tour" project. It is aimed at helping different Ukrainian cities communicate and collaborate with each other in current and future IT projects. Specialists from a few IT companies and startups met representatives of Kharkiv IT community at a 4-hours meeting. There they discussed the work and achievements of Lviv IT Cluster, talked about new technologies and programming languages. The event was organized in a cooperation with Kharkiv IT Cluster. Program-Ace was invited to take part in this informal conference and talk about our proprietary developments using well-known emerging technologies such as VR, AR, and mixed reality. Sergey Terziyan, a Project Manager at Program-Ace, presented a paper which disclosed basic features of typical AR/VR/MR projects and introduced our HoloLens-based solutions to programmers, designers, and managers who visited the event. He named the main diversities in headlining such projects compared to others he managed. Sergey stressed that there is nothing special about choosing the right PM methodology for these type of applications; the only difference is that you need to establish a good communication between the client and the team so they both can know exactly what to expect in the end. Sergey Terziyan Program-Ace's broad expertise and Sergey's comprehensive experience were warmly welcomed and highly appreciated by the members of both Lviv IT Cluster and Kharkiv IT Cluster as well as conference's visitors. We were glad to share industry insights with today's youth and proven professionals, and are happy to welcome new talents and minds to Program-Ace's friendly team. We also encourage individuals to visit HoloLens Meetup that will take place on June 8th, 2017. The meetup is a part of Kharkiv Innovation Spot's initiative to connect and educate technology activists who are crazy about innovations. This event will introduce HoloLens, discuss holograms and challenges of mixed reality, and explain the place of Unity in mixed reality development.

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