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Military Training

Program-Ace created a virtual simulator for the client who operates in within a military industry to secure impressive perception of the training by the recruits

Background Info

Operating in the field of military education and training, the client is a small military provider that produces virtual software solutions and simulations to prepare military personnel for new roles or improve their capabilities to occupy the current one.

Upon acquiring a huge military contract, the client was looking for a dedicated team to help develop an interactive 3D multi-user simulator that allows army forces to work through various situations that can happen to troops. Program-Ace was considered as a professional development studio that is capable of creating virtual environments suitable for practicing and rehearsing large-scale missions. We were given the task to craft a comprehensive virtual training simulation that enables learners to:

  • work through the standard actions in emergency situations;
  • test various defensive scenarios;
  • analyze the actions of each participant after passing the training;
  • collect statistics and ratings of the participants.
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Jonathan Bernard
CEO at MilitaryTime
Program-Ace was our IT partner in developing an interactive 3D multi-user simulator. We were glad to cooperate with them as their team showed a high level of proficiency and delivered us a high-quality solution on time and on budget.
The Program-Ace team helped us to develop interactive military training, and I’d like to say that the result of their work exceeded our expectations. I would definitely recommend them to everybody who has a need for high-quality outsourcing services.
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Business Challenges

Multiple Military Scenarios in One Training
The key requirements for this interactive application were the reconstruction of the realistic combat environment in a fully interactive mode and the development of military training that can be useful to train actions needed during hostage taking, evacuations, terrorist attacks, and skirmishes with the enemy.
Multi-User Simulation
The client's business needs required the training to provide an opportunity to train more than three members simultaneously.
Effective Training Environment
Our client first considered an option to choose a solution among the existing military applications, but we advised him to develop a custom military training in a rich 3D format to serve the needs of a specific task.

Approach and Solution

We utilized our proprietary technology Ace3D Engine that guarantees the highest visual quality in a fully interactive mode as well as our technological expertise in the realm of multi-user, client-server solutions and communication systems development. Thanks to this approach, we brought our 3D military training to an absolutely new level. As a professional team, we achieved the following goals:

  • the true reality of the environment, which increases the perception of a situation by participants;
  • real physics simulation: different damage caused by the weapon of a different type, decreasing of endurance with time, etc.;
  • possibility to simulate any time of the day, various weather conditions, position of the sun (depending on the region);
  • the possibility of real-time communication via VoIP;
  • a high number of simultaneous users’ statistics.

Our experienced team is able to develop any custom training for various educational needs on the basis of our in-house technologies and third-party tools. This interactive military training allows not only to serve the local needs but is used on a higher level for training military forces on how to act in different warlike situations.

The team of 3D developers and artists created a state-of-the-art virtual training. Thanks to the realism of the scenes, this interactive training enables users to develop practical skills while acting in emergency situations as well as to test various scenarios of the defense actions.
VirtualtrainingsformilitaryandbeyondfromProgram Ace

Technology Stack

Military Training was developed by a dedicated team of three developers, two 3D artists, one animator, one VFXer, and a project manager and took more than 7 months to be distributed to military facilities.
After Effects


This interactive multi-user military training is a perfect solution for training military forces and soldiers on how to act in warlike situations.
Special Forces
Special Forces
military facilities
Military Facilities

Value Delivered

The Program-Ace team offers some key benefits for this project:
  1. The training efficacy was increased up to 75% within our convincing, virtual environment;
  2. Thanks to our proprietary technology Ace3D Engine, we made full use of cutting-edge technologies and effects such as area shadows, soft particles, parallax mapping, advanced post effects, anisotropic and translucent shading, real-time refractions and dispersion;
  3. The use of advanced 3D technologies enabled learners to enjoy first-grade 3D graphics;
  4. The client received a fit-for-purpose solution, which means that he was delivered a solution that met his requirements precisely;
  5. With the development of unique interactive applications, our client set himself above the competition.


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