Program-Ace experts often speak at local high tech events dedicated to the popularization of modern technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality, gamification, machine learning in Ukrainian business and local IT community. Sergey Tikhonov, our Program Director for Agriculture and Utilities, has more than 20 years of practical experience in software product development and management, and on June, 7 he is going to speak the meetup “AR/VR in business. Cases overview” at UNIT.City innovation park. His speech will be dedicated to the implementation of AR, VR, and enterprise gamification solutions in in various industries. Also, he is going to tell about some cases of AR and VR app development that we had here in Program-Ace, such as Wheel Replacement Training, Farm Management System and some additional demos of the products we made. If you happen to be in Kyiv, welcome to visit this “AR/VR in business. Cases overview” meetup and discuss your current or upcoming projects with Sergey.