
Corporate Retrospective: 2017 Year in Review

Awards, recognitions, conferences, company growth, and more that we have achieved in 2017.
Dec 20, 2017
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Program-Ace year in review

Industry Recognition

This year we got an honorable recognition from such famous organizations such as Clutch and IAOP. Program-Ace was listed in IAOP’s The Global Outsourcing 100 as a Rising Star in IT outsourcing. We have to mention that Customer Reviews and Corporate Social Responsibility were the sections in which we got the most points from the jury.

Clutch listed us in the Top Virtual and Augmented Reality Developers rating and also recently added Program-Ace to its Global Leaders 2017. What an amazing Christmas present, we are very honored by this award!

We are happy to mention the launch of the Game-Ace website at the beginning of 2017 which immediately received the Honorable Mention by Awwwards.

Industry Events

2017 was filled with inspiring and interesting events, both here in Ukraine and abroad. This year we organized the first HoloLens Meetup in Kharkiv which was a huge success and gathered many prominent industry influencers. Also, our team members were speakers at such local events as Game Developer Conference organized by Doctrina IT School, NODE 2017, BDMSummit 2017, and Lviv IT Tour.

If talking about international industry events, we have a lot to say here too. This year we went to Germany twice: to attend GamesCom in August, the most famous European game industry event which took place in Cologne, and to visit Agritechnica 2017 in November, one of the world’s biggest events for agriculture professionals, which took place in Hanover. Also, we exhibited and presented a speech at ITEC 2017, one of the biggest training and simulation events in the world, which took place in Rotterdam, Netherlands in May.

The Team

We are proud to tell you that by the end of 2017 our team has got bigger by more than 20 talented artists and developers and welcome all the newcomers that became our colleagues this year. Also, we welcome Ilya Gandzeychuk, who became our new CTO and will lead Program-Ace to the top-notch technology domains and new markets.

We take care of the education of our team, and this year a number of our developers became Unity Certified Developers. Also, our project managers got their Kanban and Scrum Certifications.

We are going to keep moving and are intended to achieve even more in 2018. Let us wish you all the happiness and success for the upcoming year. We look forward to new exciting projects, challenges, and innovative ideas, and everything we achieved in 2017 is a great inspiration for that.

Happy New Year from Program-Ace

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